Course Description

Finding and selecting a niche as a freelancer is a crucial to your success on Competition is high on Upwork and any market for that matter but one that can save you from price wars is finding and choosing a narrow and profitable niche. Ideally freelancer should select a niche that has demand yet is underserved. This course shows you how you can find skills that are in demand from industries that are also underserved.

Online Business Strategist

Nina Kolari

I help people like you to monetize their expertise and fire their bosses! Not matter if you are interested in freelancing career or online business, you'll find practical how-to courses here. I give you step-by-step instructions and am always available to help further! I have dedicated Facebook group for my students and I hang around there daily to help students out.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Profitable Freelance Niche on Upwork

    • Introduction to the Course

    • You

    • Services

    • Services Search Exercise

    • Industry

    • Industry Search Exercise

    • Your Niche